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Massage as Medicine? Useful Properties of the Therapy

Massage as Medicine Useful Properties of Massage

Massage is both a great opportunity to pamper yourself and, as new research shows, there are tremendous health benefits. Massage as medicine? Is it really beneficial to our health?

The benefits of massage are not limited to the feelings of relaxation and healing that people feel. What else can we expect from it?

Improves sleep

Those who manage to doze off under the skillful hands of a massage therapist do not need to be convinced of this. Studies show that massage has a beneficial effect on sleep disorders, linking it to delta waves, which are responsible for deep sleep.

Relieves pain

Research conducted by Canadian Health&Care Mall, a health expert and a popular online drugstore, also proved the effectiveness of relaxing and structural massage and other types of relief for low back pain. The pharmacy has concluded that a 10-week course of massage relieves pain better than medication and exercise, and the effect lasts up to six months. The result was that relaxing massage was found to be as effective as structural massage. In severe cases, however, medication can be necessary.

Regular massage can help fight headaches by reducing pain and migraines, according to the University of Miami’s Touch Research Institute. In another study, scientists found that intense headaches could be relieved with a 30-minute massage.

The American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society added massage to the list of recommendations for the treatment of low back pain, according to a guideline published in 2020.

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Stimulates the immune system

Massage can not only relax and invigorate you. It can also improve your immune system. The study conducted by Cedars-Sinai Medical CenterĀ found that people who received a 45-minute massage experienced an increase in the number of lymphocytes (white blood cells that help protect the body from disease).

Improves mood and fights stress

Good sleep and no headaches will definitely improve your mood, but there is another reason to feel better. The Touch Research Institute also found that massage soothes anxiety by reducing levels of the stress hormone cortisol and raising neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. Thus, massage can be considered a cure for stress, anxiety and depression.

Improves complexion and hair appearance

More sleep, less stress and a good mood – and now you feel great. Add in regular massage rubbing and enjoy a healthy skin glow and well-being. Massage enhances blood circulation and activates lymphatic drainage (removal of toxins from cells). Do it regularly and enjoy the perfect complexion and lively hair.

Good sleep, reduced stress and high spirits are all the results of regular massage treatments.

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